Networking with peers gives this adviser what he needs to grow his business
This morning I walked my son to our village primary school, which I love to do. Afterwards, it is gym time. I have lost six stone since Easter 2019 and I intend to keep it off. The gym helps me focus and allows me to think about my business, without the distraction of the phone/email.
Having not looked at emails for 10 days, the rest of the day is spent catching up, until my wife and son come home.
After walking Noah to school I meet a couple who live in Great Clacton and were referred to me by their son, a client.
I approach all first meetings in the same manner: no agenda, no forms, just a notepad, pen, two ears and one mouth.
At 4pm I meet an existing client to review his pension. He is happy with the news shared as he can start to ease off and reduce to a three-day working week, with full retirement on track for 2022.
We agree to meet up later in the year.
At 6pm I spend some time networking. I am still growing my business, so I need to spread the word. I have a meeting in St Neots, around 15 minutes from home.
But before rolling home I spend 20 minutes on the exercise bike.
This morning I have a breakfast networking club, with a really good mix of business owners sharing ups and downs.
We also give each other help in what has and has not worked in growing our businesses.
I send an email to the couple I saw in Clacton, thanking them and outlining my proposals, which they reply to and accept and I send an email to my client thanking him for the referral.
Later in the afternoon I pick up Noah from school.
This morning I go to a vibrant, monthly meeting breakfast networking group – this one filled with young business owners who have given me the buzz to grow my business. At 54 I am the daddy of the group, but I feel 34 when I am there.
I receive two messages from two new potential clients, who have seen some of my videos and are connected to me on Twitter and would like to meet up.
Later on in the day I am off for a 600m swim and to think about the topic for my next video, which is entitled #fridgetalk (because I am in front of my fridge when I do them) and are posted on Facebook and Linkedin, with a link copied to Twitter. The response I have got is fab and I enjoy doing it.
At 3pm it is time to pick up Noah from school. I enjoy my time with him and my wife when she comes home.