
Service Awards 2016: Mortgage category

These improvements have reduced application processing times from 30 minutes to less than five, Mr Conlon said.

He added: “Most importantly, we have listened to our advisers through survey feedback and account meetings and have implemented improvements to our systems and processes that are in line with their feedback.

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“We ensure communication between us and advisers is a two way process enabling us to address the needs of each individual advisory firm.”

The past year has seen the lender launch a new website with a dedicated area where advisers can assess research papers, marketing intelligence and a host of other documents related to the equity release market.

In addition, the lender has expanded its adviser support team and introduced a new dedicated telephone number giving advisers easier access to their account managers.

Mr Conlon said: “We will be further investing in our online capabilities and will soon be offering a solution for further borrowing."

12. West Bromwich Building Society

The West Brom has reached the pinnacle of its ascendancy having been in the one-star service category in 2013.

The West Midlands based Society climbed up the rankings to two, four and five-star in 2014, 2015 and 2016 respectively.

The lender’s adviser-facing team has grown by a third - which includes those providing telephone support and out in the field developing relationships with advisers at a national and regional level.

The West Brom website too has been improved and features enhanced user guides with clear guidelines for submitting business and a straightforward affordability calculator, according to Richard Scott, head of intermediaries at the West Brom for Intermediaries.

He said: “Speed of response during the application process is a crucial factor for us and our partners and we have focused on developing our proposition in this area.

“For example, over the last 12 months we have consistently assessed and initially underwritten new mortgage applications and instructed valuation within 24 hours of receipt.  Our service levels are published daily on the homepage of our website so that advisers can always manage their customers’ expectations.”

To maintain strong rapport among advisers, the lender will seek to closely monitor satisfaction levels and undertake satisfaction surveys and use feedback to drive improvements across our intermediary business.

13. Just Retirement

Just Retirement has added value to its adviser services following its merger with Partnership in April this year, according to Stephen Lowe.

The amalgamation, under the guise of Just Retirement Money Limited seeks to offer uncomplicated service, the group communications director of Just Retirement said.

A practical example of this is the revamp of the company’s early repayment charge customer documentation.  The associated guide was awarded the Crystal Mark, following approval by the Plain English Campaign which was set up to promote clear language in sales literature.