Chartered Insurance Institute  

Advisers react to CII chief executive exit

Advisers react to CII chief executive exit
Alan Vallance, chief executive officer at the Chartered Insurance Institute

The Chartered Insurance Institute has confirmed that Alan Vallance will leave his position as chief executive in Spring 2024 to take up the equivalent role at the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales.

He joined the CII from the Royal Institute of British Architects where he worked for seven years and was chief executive.

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“Leading the CII group has been a privilege,” Vallance said.

“Building and maintaining public trust in the insurance, financial planning and mortgage advice professions is essential to every economy around the world, and I am honoured to have had the opportunity to lead a Royal Charter body containing two pre-eminent global professional membership organisations – the CII and PFS.

“The decision to leave was not easy, but I am confident that the group is now in a much stronger position. 

“The foundations we have built since 2022 are a solid base on which the Institute will continue to improve the way it serves its members, customers and the wider public for years to come.”

However, some advisers have expressed disappointment at the latest announcement.

Robin Melley, managing director at Matrix Capital Limited, said the CII has “evident issues”, which are clear for most to see and all fairly well documented over the past few years.

“The consistent denial and appalling behaviour of the CII board towards volunteer member directors is something which will be held against the institute for a long time to come, especially as we have seen no transparency and honesty from the CII board regarding its evident failures and issues they have caused,” he said.

Meanwhile, Garry Hale, owner of HK Wealth, added: "Disappointed to see Vallance leave after only a few months in the role and leaves a mess behind with both the CII and PFS. 

“Lots of unanswered questions around finances and governance.”

At the time of Vallance's appointment, the CII said it was focussed on modernising the professional body and improving services and value for members wherever they live or work.

The CII had said Vallance would take forward the board’s new strategy and next five-year plan, which would be informed by the Shaping the future together consultation feedback.

He succeeded former interim chief executive Jonathan Clark, who was previously president of both the CII and the Chartered Institute of Loss Adjusters, as well as CII treasurer between 2003 and 2007.

Clark took over from Sian Fisher who announced in 2021 that she would step down after more than six years at the helm of the CII. 

Melley said: “Since early 2022, the CII has had three CEOs and now onto its fourth, this speaks volumes about the underlying problems and true state of affairs.

“For the members sake and ultimate future success of the CII, let’s hope that some members of the board do some self-reflection and recognise the need for both strategic and cultural change at the top.”