Firing line  

'There was a real energy in the PFS board room to get on with things'

"They talked about having a model where they had less qualifications for certain types of savings. I just think that we need to work out a way of making it economic for people to save and take advice," says Grant.

"You actually need an adviser to help you to put all the things in place, to nudge you when you need to do things. And the other thing about financial advisers, which I think is totally underestimated, is around the non-financial value of advice for and around vulnerability. 

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"I think everyone always focuses on the monetary amount but they forget the non-financial value of advice.

"That's what financial planning is, to take you through what seems impossible and help you actually understand it, demystify it, and then set you on a path so that you can actually achieve your goals and aspirations."