Promote your profession  

CISI lends support to FTAdviser campaign

CISI lends support to FTAdviser campaign

The CISI has lent its support to FTAdviser's Promote your Profession campaign, saying it is important to "shine a light" on the initiatives taking place across the advice industry.

The campaign, which aims to bring advisers, planners, paraplanners and brokers together to share best practice and encourage collaboration to boost the profession, launched earlier this month.

Sally Plant, the CISI's assistant director for financial planning and education development, said FTAdviser's campaign would provide a "collective voice " for lobbying government and parliament.

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She said: "I am particularly delighted to see the schools and universities aspect of this, as so many of us want to support ways to promote planning as a career and provide pathways to entrance.

"I am looking forward to seeing how this will shine a light on initiatives that are already running, promoting how planners can get themselves involved perhaps for just an hour of their time, for example the CISI Schools hubs programmes which provide school students with foundation examinations and sessions provided by the planning community, in some tougher communities across England, Scotland and Northern Ireland.

"We are looking forward to supporting."

There are currently 11 schools across England and one in Jersey which are embedding the CISI's level two qualification into their curriculum to develop students’ knowledge of the financial services sector and to challenge them to think about implications for their own personal finance decisions.

FTAdviser's campaign has already received support from adviser trade body Pimfa and the CII.

The campaign, which aims to bring advisers, planners, paraplanners and brokers together to share best practice and encourage collaboration to boost the profession, launches officially this week.

The aims are fourfold:

  • To provide a forum where readers can share best practice and ideas for showcasing the professionalism of financial advice.
  • To bring expert commentary and insights from experienced professionals on building successful advisory businesses.
  • To promote ways to encourage school and college leavers to consider financial advice as an attractive, long-term career.
  • To lobby parliament and the Treasury to consider the importance of entrepreneurial financial services companies in the UK's post-Brexit regulatory framework.​​​​​​

Earlier this week FTAdviser published a template letter for readers to use and send to their constituency MP.

The letter template calls on the MP to address the issues of disproportionate fees and levies, a regulatory system that does not support entrepreneurial advisers and their clients, and the need for better financial education.