In Focus: Vulnerability  

Lessons from a nine-year old on financial wellness

Float also provides financial coaching with relevant advice given by qualified IFA support, to help educate people into healthier financial habits, as well as providing 'nudges' towards better money management. 

As for Luca, he's been working on some more straplines to come for Float to tie in with other dates in the calendar, such as Easter, while learning new skills and understanding the value of earning an 'income'.

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Gardner added: "To say I am grateful at my son's progress would be an understatement.

"I would love to see all children being able to be engaged more and to understand what their parents or guardians do.

"They should be shown how to use new packages on computers to put their ideas together (rather than just computer games) and to be rewarded for their attempts.

"Our little ones will be the generation to follow us. It is important we keep them motivated, regardless of whether the world shuts down around us."