Financial Advice Market Review  

Warning Maps strategy could blur advice-guidance boundary

Mr Cameron said: “As a government sponsored organisation, Maps is well positioned to lead the development of a UK strategy, in collaboration with all other financial services stakeholders. 

“When it comes to financial wellbeing, people need different support at different times, be it information from providers, guidance from Maps or full financial advice. We need to develop multi-directional signposting so customers get what they need, when they need it, from the best source.

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“It’s important that any strategy factors in the benefits of advice. While information and guidance may often be what people need, it’s vital that people also know when and where to go when they need expert help from a professional financial adviser.”

Guy Opperman, minister for Pensions and Financial Inclusion, said: “The government wants to make it easy for those who need it most to get help to make confident financial choices. The one-stop-shop Money and Pensions Service’s free, high-quality, impartial information and guidance delivers exactly that. 

“Also, it has an important part to play in helping today’s young people become tomorrow’s savvy savers, and the development of groundbreaking digital pensions dashboards which will transform how all of us plan for retirement.”

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