It is a busy week ahead consisting of client meetings, protection provider seminars, gym (groan) and meetings with my builder.
My day starts off with a 6am visit to the gym. It is too early but I get it over with to help free up the rest of the day.
I am on the laptop by 8am to check emails from the weekend.
I head to the Harrow office and prepare for my 10am meeting with some excited first-time buyers who have just seen a property they love over the weekend. They wish to get moving with the mortgage application as soon as possible so we continue until 2pm.
I get a chance to grab a quick bite before heading out to meet a local solicitor who I am looking to work with. A productive meeting for both of us (I think).
The rest of the day is filled with more emails, returning phone calls and chasing up progress updates on submitted applications. I manage to log off at 7.30pm.
Today I kick off with another early gym session. I need the adrenaline rush as the day ahead is filled with protection provider seminars.
I head to the Victoria office and I get in for 10.30am ready for the first presentation. Other than 10 minutes for lunch, today has been a great day for the London Money team as it is filled with continued learning around all things protection-related.
It is not easy taking a full day out from the usual work but it is certainly worth it.
I leave Victoria at 4pm to beat the rush hour with some protection reading material for the train journey home.
I skip the gym today as I have a fun day ahead at the Eastman Dental Hospital.
I arrive at 10am and leave at midday. Following much poking and probing I am advised I need to come back for further root canal treatment and a wisdom tooth removal. Exciting times indeed.
It is back home (or rather my sister’s home where we are staying while our renovations are completed) for a catch-up with emails, client phone calls and mortgage and protection research for a number of client meetings next week.
Another early start at the gym and then it is over to the Victoria office for another day of meetings.
Today it is with a software provider, two protection providers and a mortgage lender. Another day of learning followed by a meeting with a local accountant based two minutes from the office who is keen to work with a mortgage and protection planner for client referrals.
It is another successful meeting with an agreement to proceed and review on an ongoing basis.
At 5:30pm it is back home to catch up with my wife and look through tile and bathroom brochures. Living the dream.