SimplyBiz Group, together with its subsidiary APS Legal & Associates, has launched a service enabling advisers to refer lasting power of attorney business to a specialist practitioner.
Via Simply Lasting Power of Attorneys, APS will be offering a full document drafting and checking proposition to advisers who want to offer LPA services to their clients, but do not hold the appropriate skills themselves.
Richard Ardron, marketing director of SimplyBiz Group, said: "We have seen an increasing focus from advisers on lasting power of attorneys as an essential part of the holistic financial planning process for all clients.
"Traditionally viewed as a later life concern, there is growing awareness that mental and physical incapacity can, sadly, strike at any point of a client's life.
"Therefore, in order to ensure that a client's finances continue to be handled in the way they would like, no matter the circumstances, lasting power of attorneys should be considered vital for every client an adviser sees.
"Of course, advisers can't be specialists in every single area of financial planning; Simply LPAs will provide the reassurance that their clients' interests are being protected, even if it is not an area in which they themselves choose to conduct business."