Simoney Kyriakou  

Death by 1,000 papercuts: simplified advice and all the rest

Simoney Kyriakou

Simoney Kyriakou

If the dashboard(s) are going to work well, they need to be robust and deliver what they say on the tin. But as the FCA is not responsible for the delivery of the dashboard, only regulatory oversight around those who are delivering it, this looks like it will be a feat worthy of Hercules himself. 

A brief glance at the draft handbook (page 111 onwards) and the authorisation application forms for the pensions dashboard service (page 244 onwards of the consultation) give an indication of how this scope of regulation will take shape.

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Responses to the proposals, and to the draft handbook and application forms, is due in on 16 February 2023.

I do not envy anyone with a compliance function in financial services right now.