Retirement Income  

Advisers must adapt advice to meet needs of Gen X

She explained that when you explain the tax benefits of doing that, you get much more engagement from the client.

Helping children on Gen X's retirement income

The panel also discussed Gen X’s concerns to help children with the housing crisis.

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Hanifan said: “The top end of Gen X - the nearer 60 of it - one of the things that they are doing is trying to help their children so they are prioritising it in many cases where they have got some disposable income.

“The one aspect of housing for them is that they're using some of their disposable income to do that and the other aspect of it, which I'm sure every Gen X person here who has a child over 21 will say is they have children living at home.”

Additionally, Wood added: “I see that when talking to clients that they actually have an obsession and they have to help their children, it's at any cost. 

“It's very difficult having those conversations with them to say, you can't afford to help your kids to be able to get them all on to the ladder.”