Financial Conduct Authority  

FCA: advisers can make 'improvements' before end of advice guidance review

In August 2024, it was reported by the Financial Times that Alder had been accused of breaching the confidentiality of an internal whistleblower, who wrote to him asking for help.

According to reports, Alder forwarded on correspondence in December and March with the complainant’s name, address and concerns unredacted.

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During the press conference, Alder said: “I am absolutely firm in my view that I acted with the best of intentions.” 

The chair was asked whether it ever crossed his mind to resign from his role after the findings of the internal review which found Alder was in breach of the FCA’s whistleblowing policy. 

He replied: “Richard [Lloyd] conducted a review and he did that independently and his conclusions are very plain. I cannot disclose key aspects of the cases but given that I am aware and others are aware of those key aspects. No, it did not cross my mind.”