
What money laundering rules mean for crypto and trusts

  • Describe what the new anti-money laundering rules mean
  • Describe how crytpo-assets will be affected
  • Identify what will happen with trusts

The UK government is currently proposing that the “element of duration” is a period of 12 months or more, and so one-off exercises may potentially fall outside the net and those trusts will not be required to register, however, as we do not yet have draft legislation for these changes, we will have to see what is eventually introduced.  

The new legislation also requires Obliged Entities to notify the relevant authorities where they become aware that the beneficial ownership information on the UK People with Strategic Control register (PSC), is incorrect.

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The PSC register was introduced in 2016 and it is a legal requirement that all UK companies register those people holding Strategic Control, usually a 25 per cent holding or more.

The new rules will further tighten the requirements in the UK to set out who owns or controls UK companies.


Over the last decade we have seen the world, including the UK becoming much more transparent.

In the early days this was driven often by voluntary action.

In the last number of years, we have seen countries around the world, certainly within the EU, including the UK, turning more and more towards legislation to create a transparent environment.

The 5th Money Laundering Directive certainly adds to that picture.

The increase in transparency around crypto assets, will open the door to new audiences, although will be much lamented by those involved in its creation.

We have started to see a number of well-known international financial institutions starting to offer crypto services, and clear regulatory and Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing rules will open the door to more International institutions looking into the space with interest.

Gary Ashford is a Tax Partner at Harbottle & Lewis LLPHe is Council Member of the Chartered Institute of Taxation and Vice President of CFE Tax Advisers Europe.


Please answer the six multiple choice questions below in order to bank your CPD. Multiple attempts are available until all questions are correctly answered.

  1. What do UK Money Laundering Regulations require various businesses to do?

  2. Which of the following is NOT an area not affected by changes in the directive:

  3. The new rules will not affect crypto-asset exchanges and digital wallets, true or false?

  4. What will happen to trusts' beneficiaries and settlors?

  5. What is the deadline of 31 March 2020?

  6. Non-EU resident trusts acquiring UK land or property on or after 10 March 2020 will not have to register, true or false?

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  • Describe what the new anti-money laundering rules mean
  • Describe how crytpo-assets will be affected
  • Identify what will happen with trusts

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