
HSBC joins Fiba as lender partner

HSBC joins Fiba as lender partner
HSBC joins Fiba as a lender partner (Photo: Cytonn Photography/Pexels)

HSBC has joined the Financial Intermediary and Broker Association as a lender partner. 

The partnership will offer Fiba members access to HSBC’s broker business team, which provides support for customers.

This includes property acquisition, capital investment, and business expansion.

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Fiba chair, Martin Reynolds said: “The addition of HSBC to Fiba’s lender panel is perfectly timed, as it falls at the start of a new year when we’re all looking forward to new opportunities, speed of business completion, and effective solutions provision.”

Reynolds added he was impressed by the experience and expertise the team had with developing broker facing business.

“I’m delighted to welcome HSBC to the lender panel and am certain this will be a strong working partnership which will deliver a range of benefits to our members,” he said.

The association added its members will have access to a dedicated relationship manager, offering guidance and assistance.

This manager will be focused on speed of solution delivering, prioritise an efficient and responsive service, and will also include swift payment of competitive commission rates.

HSBC head of commercial brokerage, Ian Coulson, said: “Fiba works to continuously improve the quality and consistency of the immediate market, making it easier to do business while strengthening broker/lender relationships.

“Fiba members are now able to join our commercial panel, enabling us to support more business across the UK.

“At HSBC, we are focused on supporting trading businesses with all aspects of their growth strategy.

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