In Focus: Retirement income advice  

Solving small pots problem will see savers engage with retirement planning

He said things would need to be streamlined to win over consumers who had seen many changes to pensions.

Dashboards were seen as a potential catalyst for change that could make a pot for life easier to sell to savers.

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David Rich, head of data services at Heywood said: “Dashboards are the beginning of a new world, we are almost moving into open pensions.”

“We know there is a problem around small pots and we know it is in no one’s interest for that problem to continue and get worse.”

He added: “As an industry we should be looking at all these issues not just pension pots but tech and consolidation.”

McPhail said pots for life needed to be part of a wider overhaul of pensions. 

“Policy is scrappy, dashboards are not over the line and more work is needed on consolidation and the lifetime provider model.”

Samantha Downes is a freelance financial journalist