Small Self Administered Scheme  

Ex-Rowanmoor Ssas clients complain about charge under new provider

Tilley added: "To date we have released over 1,500 deed and rules and the overwhelming response has been gratitude from our clients for resolving what could have been a more complex matter had our prompt, clear and decisive action not been taken. 

"We have so far received a handful of queries, but if any advisers or their clients have any concerns, either I or one of our team of trustee consultants would be happy to discuss them.”

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Rowanmoor collapsed in August 2022 under the weight of hundreds of complaints related to failed offshore investments in its Sipps and in December 2023 it was declared in default by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme.

These were then re-routed from the Financial Ombudsman Service to the FSCS, which has been investigating them since.


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