
Vanguard launches managed pension

Vanguard launches managed pension
Vanguard has launched a managed service for its Vanguard Personal Pension. (Dreamstime)

Vanguard has launched a managed pension on its platform which will join its managed stocks and shares Isa which launched last year.

The new pension is part of a portfolio management service, with investment experts on hand to provide guidance throughout.

It comes a year after the firm launched its managed stocks and shares Isa

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A Vanguard spokesperson said: “We are delighted to announce that a managed service for our Vanguard Personal Pension is now available for new investors on the Vanguard UK Personal Investor platform.

"The service is designed for investors that, for whatever reason, want a bit more help managing their pension; whether out of a lack of time, willingness, confidence, or all three.

“The Vanguard Managed Pension operates by establishing the level of investment risk clients are comfortable with and their planned withdrawal age, aligning these with a portfolio of index funds, and managing it every step of the way.

"Investment experts are on hand throughout to guide clients through the process."

The managed pension has a cost of 0.60 per cent a year, broken down into the standard platform fee of 0.15 per cent, capped at a maximum of £375 a year of fund and portfolio management fees.

Investors first have to fill in a risk profiling questionnaire which Vanguard then aligns the answers with a portfolio of underlying index funds and manages on their behalf.

Vanguard also uses its technology to forecast how much their investments may be worth in the future. 

Earlier this year, a chartered financial planning business launched a discretionary fund management arm in collaboration with Vanguard and Redington.

Rosebridge launched Rosebridge Asset Management Limited, which marked the first custom model portfolios solution that Vanguard entered into in the UK. 

This came after Vanguard announced in March that it was changing its approach and closing its financial planning arm in the UK.

At the time, a spokesperson said: “After careful consideration, we have concluded that our clients are looking for other, more adaptable forms of financial planning from Vanguard.

“We have therefore taken the difficult decision to close the retirement planning service. We are committed to the development of further financial guidance and advice services, to give investors the best chance of investment success.”


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