This adviser spends his week lifestyle planning with clients across the north of England and Scotland
For my first client today I am travelling 100 miles. I am working with a couple on their retirement plan and what they need to do in order to live the lifestyle they desire.
It is a working lunch for me as my inbox has filled up.
Later on, I manage to psyche myself up for an evening weights session at the gym.
Today I am at my head office in Carlisle for meetings with clients I am conducting defined benefit transfer analysis for. I have started taking the train when visiting the office so I can get some work done on the journey.
Between meetings, I catch up with some colleagues and also make time to head to a bakery close by for lunch.
The DB transfer meetings all go as planned with the clients. I write a good chunk of one of the cases on the way home too.
I have a lot of admin to do this morning. Compliance have cleared my advice for one of my more financially complex clients and we can proceed with my proposal, so I call the client to let him know.
In the afternoon I have a review meeting with a client I have had for years. She is considering helping her grandchild onto the property ladder, so we discuss options for that.
I am meeting two investment managers from our discretionary fund manager partnership this morning. The funds we discuss are reasonably priced and actively managed and sit within a moderate-risk profile. I immediately think of a client who would benefit from this and make a note to discuss it with him.
The coffee shop is next to the gym, so I begrudgingly head inside for a somewhat energetic but brief lunch break as I have cases to write up.
Today it is a 200-mile journey to see my client up in the North East. My wife works for herself and offers to drive me. The meeting is early afternoon, so I clear my emails and make calls before we set off.
The couple I meet are still quite young, and we are planning when and how they can retire. We go through their income and expenditure and I ascertain what kind of lifestyle they desire. I have to be a little firm with their expectations to ensure they are realistic, but an email later that night thanking me for my honesty shows I did the right thing.
As the meeting was long, I treat my wife to a nice meal in Newcastle before we head home. The roads are mercifully quiet, and I am ready for the weekend.
Paul Bullough is a financial planner at Quilter