Election 2017  

Social care funding overhaul faces axe

So if you needed homecare, or you were in a care home and still had a partner living in your house, the value of your property would still count against you for council funding. 

Suddenly, millions more people would be hit by social care costs - most particularly those families whose loved ones had dementia or other conditions that did not count as 'health' needs. 

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A millionaire with cancer could have all their care costs paid by the NHS and their house was safe but an older person with dementia, and a home worth £250,000, would have to pay for all their care until most of their house value was gone.

Baroness Altmann’s view is supported by fellow former pensions minister Steve Webb.

Mr Webb, now director of policy at Royal London, said: "A minority government will struggle to pass any major reforming legislation which creates gainers and losers. 

“Reforming the funding of social care will almost certainly be kicked into the long grass as will any big shake up of pension tax relief. 

“If the Conservatives are relying on the Democratic Unionist Party for a majority, even policies such as ending the triple lock or means-testing the winter fuel payment will be called into question. 

“The most we are likely to see is further tinkering as the government looks to fill its budget shortfall with further salami slicing of pension tax relief for higher earners.”
