Election 2017  

How hung parliament will hit pension reforms

“However, they were the only party to do so and this could now become an area for negotiation, particularly if the DUP holds the balance of power as they are strongly in favour of keeping the triple lock.”

With the snap election, the government missed its due date to respond to the state pensions age review. 

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The Conservative Manifesto was light on detail on this subject, confirming that they would raise the age, but did not say how fast or by how much. 

The response will now be further delayed as we wait to see what type of government will be formed and as parties negotiate on which of their views they are willing to bend.

Mr Greer said: “Whatever government is formed, it will have a daunting task ahead. Brexit will dominate policymaking and they will need to pick their battles wisely. 

“Major pension reforms are unlikely, particularly controversial ones. It would be a surprise therefore if they tinker with pensions tax relief any time in the next parliament.

“The result casts uncertainty over whether the postponed elements of the Finance Bill will be pushed through, including the reduction in the pension money purchase annual allowance.”
