In Focus: Managing the cost of living  

'There is a dearth of support structures within workplaces'

Chieu Cao

Chieu Cao

As macroeconomic tides change, it is equally important that employees continue to review and upgrade their support strategies, to ensure they withstand the test of time.

Even if the economic climate appears to be improving, staff will continue to need support and employers cannot afford to take their foot off the gas when it comes to securing their employees’ finances for the long-term future.

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We should not be surprised that our research shows that financial wellbeing concerns are on the rise; the cost of living crisis has been an assault on people’s finances, and money worries are naturally very common.

Yet our findings should act as a stark wake-up call regarding the dearth of support structures within many workplaces, and it's crucial that organisations of all sizes and sectors take note.

Chieu Cao is chief executive of Mintago