Mortgage prisoners  

How one mortgage prisoner paying 9% interest is 'at breaking point'

“Ms Wendel’s case is typical of the financial pressure and misery caused to tens of thousands of mortgage prisoners.

“It is our contention that these people have been terribly financially exploited and deserve recompense.”

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Last month, a bill designed to address the plight of mortgage prisoners was introduced to parliament.

Martin Docherty-Hughes, MP for West Dunbartonshire, said the bill aims to end evictions for mortgage prisoners and lighten the burden they carry.

“Our constituents have been dealing with high mortgage rates for over a decade. We gain nothing from pushing our constituents further into debt,” he said.

Docherty-Hughes said the government owed it to mortgage prisoners to “help them find a way out of their current mess” by allowing them to pivot back into the mortgage market.

The second reading of the bill is expected on June 14th.

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