Virgin Money  

Virgin Money launches support service for vulnerable customers

Virgin Money launches support service for vulnerable customers
The service will allow the lender customer care specialists to contact the customer (Photo: REUTERS/Henry Nicholls)

A new service designed to help brokers’ vulnerable customers and provide good outcomes has been launched by Virgin Money.

Once brokers have completed a simple online form, the service will allow one of its customer care specialists to contact the customer to chat through their circumstances.

Craig Calder, head of secured lending at Virgin Money, explained that with almost 25mn adults in the UK having characteristics of vulnerability, the lender is making it easier for its brokers to work with them to help customers.

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He added that this would also ensure that “together we deliver good outcomes to those with additional needs through our dedicated customer support team”.

The service will allow customers to get a better understanding of how brokers can help them manage their mortgage.

The lender added that there is a range of support options available, tailored to the needs of customers, that may be able to help.

This should provide customers with “peace of mind knowing that they are in good hands”, according to Virgin Money.

It added that in order to use the service, brokers must first gain their customer’s consent.

After that, they can use a form to provide their details but, if they would prefer not to receive help this way, the lender added that they can be pointed towards Virgin Money’s support hub.

Virgin Money added that it believes banking and financial services are for everyone and that its new services will help it work together to deliver better outcomes for more of the market’s vulnerable customers.

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