
The 2022 mortgage market is a blank canvas

Another trend we have noticed gathering pace in recent times is for first-time buyers to move straight into houses, as opposed to the more traditional route of starting out with a flat. Obviously this is very dependent on location, and therefore property value.

New housing developments are springing up at pace around the UK – nearly 50,000 new homes were built in England during the first three months of 2021 – reflecting the buoyancy and resilience of the housing and construction sectors.

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We expect house prices to continue to rise, and housebuilders are working hard to meet the demand for new properties – and there is no doubt that demand is there.

Overall, I would argue that the mortgage market is well-placed to tackle whatever 2022 throws at it. The future is bright for everyone in the property market, not least the buyers themselves. A bleak picture? No – more like a blank canvas, replete with possibility.

Phil Anderson is managing director of Phil Anderson Financial Services