Buy-to-let has become more complicated in recent years, thanks to changes in taxation and increasing regulation from the Prudential Regulation Authority.
Landlords today face greater tax burdens and lenders changing their buy-to-let lending criteria due to regulation.
Add to this uncertainty over the direction of interest rates - with Bank of England governor Mark Carney hinting at the possibility of a rate rise soon - and advisers are left having to deal with a growing number of concerned landlords.
FTAdviser, in association with Aldermore, has put together a panel of experts to discuss these issues and more.
Join us at 12pm today (12 October) to put your questions to the experts and join the debate.
Our panel, comprising Charles McDowell of Aldermore; Martin Stewart of London Money and David Hollingworth, from London & Country Mortgages, will be on hand to answer all your questions and comments from midday.
Email questions in advance to simoney.kyriakou@ft.com, tweet us at @FTAdviser using the hashtag #FTAOnAir, or live chat with the panel on the day.
Bookmark this page or copy and paste the URL into your browser window: https://www.ftadviser.com/Cover-It-Live/2017/09/19/Cover-It-Live-Aldermore-on-buy-to-let