
Deferring to the specialist lending experts

  • To understand how master brokers work
  • To learn how a conventional adviser can use a master broker
  • To grasp the significance of master broker for one's clients
Deferring to the specialist lending experts


The mortgage sector has become much more complex in recent years with many new niche sectors appearing. It is no longer adequate just to prepare oneself for the average fixed rate or variable; despite the trauma of the financial crisis, specialist mortgages are cropping up - and demand for niche services such as bridging loans and  second charge mortgages is growing.

The savvy mortgage adviser will be aware that he or she needs to have the right tools to give the right advice and if they have little experience of the specialist sector, they may be in danger of getting it wrong.

One option is to go for the master broker - they have the specialist knowledge as well as IT systems and access to specialist loans that conventional mortgage advisers do not have. Here we set out the advantages of using one, and what they can bring to your business.

In this guide


Please answer the six multiple choice questions below in order to bank your CPD. Multiple attempts are available until all questions are correctly answered.

  1. Why might an adviser seek to use a master broker?

  2. Very few master brokers have their own sourcing systems for bridging loans and specialist mortgages, true or false?

  3. What is one time-saving device that master brokers employ?

  4. Why might some advisers not want to use a master broker?

  5. Which of the following is NOT a suggestion for smoothing the handover?

  6. Using a master broker also allows a conventional mortgage adviser to avoid the costly exercise of devoting too much attention on expensive business development for a smaller market, true or false?

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You should now know…

  • To understand how master brokers work
  • To learn how a conventional adviser can use a master broker
  • To grasp the significance of master broker for one's clients

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