Jake Moeller
A health check of Europe’s mutual fund market
Jake Moeller

Stop over-egging investment products
Jake Moeller

Storms aren't over following 2008 global financial crisis
Jake Moeller

Selectors are valued cleaners of Augean fund stables
Jake Moeller

Following the crowd doesn't lead to the investment gems
Jake Moeller

Asset managers on track for a record year of sales
Jake Moeller

Awards have their uses alongside due diligence
Jake Moeller

Spiva scorecard should be challenged by active proponents
Jake Moeller

Fixed income love affair is far from over
Jake Moeller

Plain-vanilla launches won't cut it with today's investors
Jake Moeller

Quant ratings do help ‘separate the wheat from the chaff’
Jake Moeller

We need to freshen up approved fund lists
Jake Moeller

Bond managers ‘cherry-pick’ in credit as lower-for-longer cycle continues
Jake Moeller

Summer’s languor is over; it’s time for investors to make decisions
Jake Moeller

Post-Brexit fund flows could be worse
Jake Moeller

Pre-Brexit risk-aversion set to remain
Jake Moeller