
Mifid II transaction reporting and what it means for your clients

  • Explain some of the Mifid 2 rules
  • Describe the issues relating to dual nationality
  • Explain how to mitigate the dual nationality issues

Under UK law, the executor legally owns the assets within the estate. However, from a transaction reporting perspective, it is viewed as a transaction between the deceased and the beneficiary (the rules specifically say the deceased is the ‘seller’).

Whereas from a UK legal perspective we might tend to view it as a transaction from deceased, then to executor, and finally to beneficiary.

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In practice, if the beneficiary held an account on a different platform to the client, the transaction to change beneficial ownership would be happening mid-flight between the two platforms. This type of transaction is challenging to report, and many platforms are unable to do it, so may refuse to allow it. 

One solution to this is for the beneficiary to open an account on the same platform as the deceased client. The transaction would be taking place all on the one platform, making it straightforward to report. The beneficiary would then be free to transfer their holding to their platform of choice.

Similar cross-platform issues can arise with spouses gifting assets to each other and discretionary trusts distributing assets to beneficiaries.

There can also be challenges around investment purchases as well. While executors will not typically be buying new assets with estate funds, there may be situations where they want to instruct the existing discretionary manager to continue managing or rebalancing the portfolio.

Under the transaction reporting rules, there is no mechanism to report the deceased or the executor as the ‘buyer’. If the transaction cannot be reported, the investment provider may refuse to allow it.

Martin Jones is technical manager of AJ Bell


Please answer the six multiple choice questions below in order to bank your CPD. Multiple attempts are available until all questions are correctly answered.

  1. The UK is not bound by Mifid 2 due to its departure from the EU, true or false?

  2. How soon must investment firms submit transaction data to the FCA?

  3. Which of the following are NOT a reportable instrument?

  4. If a client has dual nationality, which nationality is given priority for transaction reporting?

  5. A small number of coutrnies only allow one tax reference, true or false?

  6. How should advisers act in the case of a deceased client with dual nationality, given the UK's role of executors?

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  • Explain some of the Mifid 2 rules
  • Describe the issues relating to dual nationality
  • Explain how to mitigate the dual nationality issues

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