Elevating fixed income  

IFAs opt for steady allocation over bond market 'attraction'

“I believe bonds currently look as attractive as they have done since the financial crisis,” said Tim Morris from Russell and Co Advisers.

“But while yields are expected to drop sharply in 2024 when interest rates fall, there is a chance this might not unwind as anticipated. For that reason, I won’t be increasing bond allocation over equities

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.“Many of my clients are more heavily weighted in equities and if this remains suitable in the long term, I have no interest in making short-term calls.”

For Paul Gibson, a chartered financial planner at Granite Financial Planning, trying to predict the economy or time the market was “fraught with danger” and “best avoided”.

He added: “Our philosophy is that the financial plan helps to inform the investment portfolio — unless the plan changes then no alteration to the portfolio is required.”

Imogen Tew is a freelance financial journalist