
Multi-asset team boost for Newton

Multi-asset team boost for Newton
Paul Brain is deputy CIO of the multi-asset team at Newton.

Newton Investment Management, part of BNY Mellon Investment Management, has strengthened its multi-asset investment team with the appointment of Paul Brain as deputy chief investment officer.

Brain, who has been at Newton for nearly 20 years specialising in fixed income, and working in investment for nearly 40, will be helping to develop Newton's multi-asset team. 

As fixed income has become more popular than ever during the past years since the financial crisis saw interest rates hit rock-bottom globally, multi-asset managers have been finding more opportunities in the asset class as central banks move to counter persistently high inflation with interest rate hikes.

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Reporting to Mitesh Sheth, Multi-Asset chief investment officer, at Newton, Brain is expected to contribute to macro investment idea generation across the franchise.

He will be working on the expansion of Newton’s research themes and on product innovation, to ensure clients have access to solutions fit for the changing economic environment.

According to Newton, Brain's "deep expertise in macro-analysis" will be used across the full breadth of Newton’s multi-asset capabilities, with additional oversight of multi-asset portfolios.

However, he will remain a key resource for Newton’s Fixed Income franchise, providing macro ideas, a sounding board and wider support.

The company said his existing role at Newton as head of fixed income will be assumed by Ella Hoxha, who joined from Pictet Asset Management yesterday (July 31).

Brain will retain his current portfolio management responsibilities through a transition period, after which they will be assumed by Hoxha.

Hoxha was most recently senior portfolio manager at Pictet, focusing on global fixed income strategies. She also led the development and launch of Pictet’s Global Climate Government Bond Fund, playing a key role in the company’s ESG efforts in the fixed income space.

Before joining Pictet, she held senior portfolio management roles at Wellington Management and Invesco.

Euan Munro, chief executive of Newton, said: “Newton is renowned for its strong pedigree in both multi-asset and fixed income, and the leadership of these offerings is a core part of our success.

"Paul has been with the business for over 20 years and has a depth of experience that will provide our multi-asset franchise with a rigorous leader committed to delivering innovative client solutions anchored on investment performance."

He added: "Ella joins a highly respected fixed income team at Newton, and her leadership will be key to further developing our credentials in the market."