Talking Point  

What advisers said about their future allocation to private assets

What advisers said about their future allocation to private assets
(Photo by Timur Saglambilekvia via Pexels)

Just a third of advisers are looking to increase their allocation to private assets over the next year.

The poll asked: over the next 12 months would you consider increasing your allocation to private assets?

Half (50 per cent) said no, a third (33.3 per cent) said yes while one sixth (16.7 per cent) said they were unsure.

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Speaking about his approach to private assets investing, Ross Lacey, director and chartered financial planner at Fairview Financial Management, said: "We're pretty vanilla when it comes to investing our clients' money; keeping it simple and allocating as much to global equities as they are comfortable with and their financial plans allow for.

"Private assets may have a place, but much the same as anything else that has concentration and illiquidity risk; it'd be for a small proportion of an overall portfolio. Similar diversification exposure could be gained through VCTs or EISs but with added tax benefits to offset the increased risk."