Futureproofing Your MPS  

How to make CIP outsourcing work for your firm

This article is part of
Guide to choosing an MPS provider

Webb says the firm’s solution to the challenges it faced in running model portfolios across multiple platforms was to launch eight ‘building block’ funds, which are loaded to each platform to populate the provider’s MPS portfolios, and hold the firm’s preferred investments within them.

Among other things, this means that underlying exposures can take any form, including direct equities, bonds, exchange-traded funds and OEICs, with little restriction of the investment universe.

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He explains: “All can be held within our funds. Platform functionality doesn’t impact the investment choice.”

Substitutions are also not required across platforms, Webb adds. “All clients across all distribution channels get the same solution. Platform choice doesn’t impact the investment outcome.”

Chloe Cheung is a senior features writer at FTAdviser