Best In Class  

Best in Class: Murray Income Trust

He says: “If you look at the top-performing companies in the UK market over the last 30 years, it has been companies which have been able to grow their earnings very substantially over a long time period and that's because they've had a sustainable competitive advantage and good management teams – that is what we target in the long term.”

In the past five years the trust has returned 65.8 per cent to investors with an ongoing charge of 0.64 per cent. The yield on the trust currently stands at 3.9 per cent.

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This trust is all about building a portfolio of high-quality companies that deliver a resilient income, as well as strong capital growth prospects. The bottom line is it has delivered consistently strong performance in a challenging period for UK equities.

Its recent merger with the Perpetual Income & Growth Investment Trust, has also resulted in greater scale and lower costs for investors. It is a strong core option for those who remain uncertain about how to tap into UK plc.

Darius McDermott is managing director of FundCalibre