Friday Highlight  

Growing opportunities for ESG investments

We need to seek future investment opportunities that can help funds gain exposure to groups engaged in positive change on the environment. 

I recently visited a vertical farm at the James Hutton Institute. 

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This technology is only starting to break into the public consciousness and potentially offers a lower carbon footprint for growing vegetables. 

Where there were previously few opportunities for public credit funds to get invested in this trend, there are a lot more arising - particularly in terms of providing financing for the buildings. 

With our large private credit team, we hope to get early exposure to this positive trend. 

With the amount of change needed for environmental targets to be hit, it is important to have scale in your investment manager. 

We can use our global network to find positive opportunities, be aware of areas to avoid, and indeed, investigate early the future investments of tomorrow. 

These opportunities are not just for specialist green or ESG funds but for every investor to be both concerned and excited about. 

Luke Hickmore is a senior investment manager at Aberdeen Standard Investments