
Royal London hires Henderson manager for new ESG fund

Royal London hires Henderson manager for new ESG fund

Royal London Asset Management (RLAM) has hired George Crowdy from Janus Henderson as it launches a Global Sustainable Equity fund.

Mr Crowdy spent a decade at Janus Henderson, since joining the firm as a trainee straight from University in 2010.

He worked as part of the sustainable equity team at Janus Henderson.

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Mr Crowdy will jointly run the new fund with the firm’s head of sustainable investments, Mike Fox. 

The fund will invest in 30 to 50 stocks around the world that fit within its definition of sustainability. 

Data from Fundscape shows the Royal London Sustainable Leaders fund, an existing product run by the firm was among the top ten most bought on platforms in the final quarter of 2019. 

It had net sales of £115m in the three month period. In total, Royal London had net sales of £650m in the quarter, the second highest of any firm. 

Mr Fox said: “The new fund is a natural evolution of our sustainable proposition and will enable us to widen the universe of companies that we can invest in, to include emerging markets too.

"This will not only allow us to uncover new gems, but will also encourage companies around the world to improve their environmental, social and governance standards.”

Mr Fox heads up the the sustainable funds range at Royal London, which has assets of £4.4bn. He has been at the firm since 2004. 

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