Diary of an adviser  

Diary of an adviser: Tim Morris

It’s my birthday the following day so that means one thing: 12 Krispy Kreme doughnuts for the office. I have been well fed today, so it’s time to venture down the gym to work off the calories.


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Prior to becoming self-employed six years ago, I always booked time off for my birthday.

Other than the odd half day or two for medical checks for me, my other half or dog/cat, I don’t tend to take off much time unless I book a holiday.

This is perhaps why some people think I have lots of holidays.

After working one birthday a few years back, I’ve made it a rule that I won’t work. When I say that, I mean not being in an office. I still get a few tasks completed first thing – send a few emails, check my share portfolio, and post a couple of tweets.

My birthday agenda (not necessarily in chronological order) is as follows: a meal, cocktails, visit to a rooftop bar, museum and a trip to the moon.

Tim Morris is independent financial adviser at Russell & Co.

If you are interested in writing a Diary of an Adviser then contact Ima Jackson-obot at ima.jacksonobot@ft.com