Tatton Investment Management has launched a standalone fund range to complement its discretionary fund management service.
The Tatton Blended portfolio fund range will mirror the core portfolios within the group’s platform-based DFM offering. Tatton says this will allow advisers to adopt its investment style across all investment wrappers and provide a complete centralised investment proposition to their clients.
The funds have an AMC of 0.3 per cent and an OCF of 0.56 per cent on the Cautious fund, 0.59 per cent on the Balanced fund, and 0.64 per cent on the Active fund.
Lothar Mentel, Tatton’s chief executive, said: "Cost is now, quite rightly, seen to be as important to investment performance as long-term risk-return premia so, we were determined to create a fund range that matches our low charging ethos for our platform portfolios and mirrors our ongoing investment management activity.
"It’s clear that, with £4.4bn under management, advisers want to adopt our service across all their clients’ investment wrappers and offer a genuine centralised investment proposition. It’s a natural development to make it available to advisers through our own funds alongside our platform portfolio service.
"This is our first standalone portfolio replicating fund launch and is a key part of our development."
Tatton’s platform portfolio service offers distinct ranges of portfolios with different management styles. Each range consists of up to six risk-rated diversified portfolios, which invest in a range of underlying funds designed to spread risk across asset classes and keep investment costs as low as possible.
Tatton Investment Management is the asset management firm of Tatton Asset Management.