Impax Asset Management, which specialises in sustainable investment strategies, has reported its assets under management and advice rose by 61 per cent on the previous year.
Assets increased to £7.6bn for the year to 31 October. Impax also reported a profit of £5.9m on a turnover of £32.7m.
The company saw net inflows of £2.1bn for the period.
It said the three principal listed equity strategies it runs have all outperformed the benchmark MSCI All Country World Index over one, three and five years.
Impax announced the acquisition of Pax World Management on 18 September, and expects to complete the transaction in the first quarter of 2018.
Ian Simm, chief executive of Impax Asset Management said: “Impax has had an outstanding year. Over the Period we extended our strong track record of investment outperformance for our three largest listed equity strategies and secured a four-fold increase in net inflows compared to financial year 2016.
"Our acquisition of Pax World Management will diversify our global business and should enhance Impax’s earnings per share significantly in 2018 and beyond.”