Credit Crunch  

How the world has changed since the financial crash

“The problem of rising costs for goods and services and stagnant wages has been widely reported in the media, with the government committed to helping people it has identified as ‘just managing’.”  

Martin Bamford, managing director at Informed Choice, said ultimately the financial crisis changed everything and yet at the same time it changed nothing.

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He said: "People have very short memories. In the short term, it made a lot of people nervous about risk and volatility, and some of that fear has lingered, but people have forgotten what it was actually like at the time, with the queues outside banks and so on.

"Ten years on, the environment is artificial, the whole economy is propped up by quantitative easing and low interest rates.

"The damage hasn’t been repaired – although bank balance sheets have been somewhat repaired, the economy is still in an awful position. We are all still waiting for the next market crash to come along.”