
Global Opportunities - November 2016

  • Grasp the issues with global fiscal policy and country deficits
  • Gain an understanding of the income developments in Asia and emerging markets
  • Comprehend the initial effects of the US election on investment markets
Global Opportunities - November 2016


In a world of unexpected seismic events, how have investors fared so far this year and where should they be looking for the best global investment opportunities?

In this guide


Please answer the six multiple choice questions below in order to bank your CPD. Multiple attempts are available until all questions are correctly answered.

  1. In John Redwood's article he highlights two key obstacles to faster global growth. One is the state of some commercial banks. What is the other?

  2. US market reaction to the Trump victory was less dramatic than some expected. But what does Russ Mould describe as "textbook knee-jerk" reactions to unexpected events?

  3. Endre Pedersen, in his article, suggests that the liberalisation of the Chinese bond market could lead to what?

  4. Japan has become synonymous with the 'Three Arrows' of Abenomics. But what does Naoki Kamiyama suggest is one of the main purposes of the reforms?

  5. Cavendish's Julian Lewis highlights in terms of UK income there are three traditional sources. But, according to his article, which is currently "the only game in town"?

  6. In uncertain markets investors are often encouraged to seek income globally. But according to Richard Turnill, which of these suffers more when rates rise?

Nearly There…

You have successfully answered all the questions correctly, well done!

You should now know…

  • Grasp the issues with global fiscal policy and country deficits
  • Gain an understanding of the income developments in Asia and emerging markets
  • Comprehend the initial effects of the US election on investment markets

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