In Focus: Green capital  

FCA to publish ESG plans for advisers in coming months

She emphasised the FCA's work had involved a lot of testing with consumers. It had interviewed more than 15,000 consumers, saying "hopefully it shows you that we've done our homework to try and understand what people feel they actually need".

She said feedback had been "a mixed bag" but broadly supportive. It had included views on the practical challenges of implementation and the proposed naming and marketing restrictions for non labelled products, as well as how the regime might work for multi-asset and blended strategies.

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"We've heard a lot and we're reflecting," Raza assured delegates, adding the regulator had been working with its overseas counterparts to ensure regimes were aligned internationally.

She concluded: "There's clearly a lot for us to deliver in the year ahead both at the FCA and within industry.

"I'm personally confident that we're developing a really solid platform from which to increase trust, transparency, consistency and ultimately better consumer outcomes."