In Focus: Megatrends  

'It is inevitable that crypto will be regulated'

Some gas charges are really low. But you do get what you pay for. Some of them are quite unstable. Some aren't as quick as others, some don't work all the time.

With bitcoins, the gas is expensive, but they don't fall over very often. They're pretty reliable, pretty quick. And they've kind of worked their way to becoming the gold standard in that sector of the industry.

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FTA: Is the idea of NFTs already being applied to the real world?

DG: Yes and no. We're seeing lots of mass adoption now for big brands; you see JPMorgan buying a virtual property in Decentraland, we're seeing Nike and Adidas starting to produce digital underclothing.

But what we're not seeing, which I would love to see, is actually a hybrid solution between digital and physical. 

So to the art world, it's a really easy translation. We've just seen the first ever NFT gallery open in London, which was a couple of weeks ago in Spitalfields. And it's seen a huge amount of traction.

So yes, it's really early stage. Big brands identify that it is a huge area of growth. But no one's quite sure.

FTA: What would you like them to do?

DG: I really would like to see a lot of brands turn around and go, 'You know, it's exciting. We don't know how we're going to work in it. But we're embracing it. We're open to it'.

FTA: Where do you see this space go in the next 10 years – into the mainstream, regulated?

DG: So I think with regulation, although a lot of people in crypto are scared of it, it will serve to actually cultivate innovation in the industry. I think it's ultimately inevitable.

And as you get more adoption, and if we want to see global adoption, regulation needs to sit there because consumers need to be protected. 

Security needs to be enhanced. And education needs to be really a kind of focus on that – educating people about the dangers of investing is just as important as regulating those investments.

We're starting to see some of the bigger banks and wealth managers offering it as a product to their customers, which is good.

What would be really nice is if we saw some transparent asset class agnostic platforms where everything co-existed side by side, in one nice wrapper, and you had your traditional investments, with your cryptos, with your Isas, and everything was in one really nice kind of interface.

But the question really is time, is it in six months, six years, is it in my lifetime? That really is dependent on people, politics, and culture.