Elevating fixed income  

Government bonds are back in fashion – but will they stay in favour?

  • To list the reasons why government bonds have become fashionable
  • Explain the ways gilts can be used in portfolios
  • Summarise how investors can use short and long-dated bonds as part of the overall investment strategy
Why government bonds are back in fashion 
An exploration of the role they can play in portfolios

Government bonds have come back into favour recently as central bank activity to counteract inflation has pushed yields up.

But what does this mean for portfolio allocations to fixed income?

Are gilts likely to be holding their own for some time? Will they stay in fashion or will allocators need to make changes as inflation is brought down to the targets?

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This CPD feature, which can be viewed by clicking on the link in the image above, will enable readers to list the reasons why government bonds have become fashionable, explain ways they can be used in portfolios, and summarise how investors can use short and long-dated bonds as part of the overall investment strategy. 


Please answer the six multiple choice questions below in order to bank your CPD. Multiple attempts are available until all questions are correctly answered.

  1. Bonds from all developed governments have experienced what, according to Klempster?

  2. For the first time since when are government bonds looking attractive, according to McDermott?

  3. Current yield levels now offer what from government bonds, according to Siviter?

  4. Khalaf says rising interest rates have led to what?

  5. Stitt says investors would once again be able to take shelter in government bonds when risk markets weakened. True or false?

  6. What does Metcalfe say is the best way to access the gilt market?

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You should now know…

  • To list the reasons why government bonds have become fashionable
  • Explain the ways gilts can be used in portfolios
  • Summarise how investors can use short and long-dated bonds as part of the overall investment strategy

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