
Speedy response to new clients key to growing advice firms

One of the simplest ways for businesses to start being empathetic is to think about language.

Parmar added: “In the financial world, language is incredibly dry, transactional and unemotional. But if you think about our relationship to money, it's the opposite of all those things. So a lot of the work we do is changing language.”

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Outlining some of the tools that could be used for testing empathy skills, Parmar talked about setting a client’s expectations before a meeting particularly if it is to deliver negative news, not “sugarcoating” bad news and emotional labelling.

When it came to emotional labelling, Parmar explained further: “You are getting people to talk about their emotions and that is so key because money is such an emotional matter. If people don’t trust, you won’t persuaded them to do anything.”