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'Sulky' Britain needs a joined-up strategy for growth: Haldane


Growth is too "sulky" in the UK despite "clusters of innovative brilliance", which presents a challenge for policymakers and industry, the former Bank of England chief executive Andy Haldane has said.

Discussing financial planning amid political and economic shifts with Simoney Kyriakou, editor of FT Adviser, Haldane, the now-chief executive of Royal Society Arts, said we needed to be promoting the talent and entrepreneurship of the UK more widely. 

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He said: "That coffeehouse culture, that crucible of creativity, needs to be nurtured. I am very optimistic about the UK. There are clusters of innovative brilliance across the UK, among our universities, among our businesses and among our people. 

"This is why we need to back brilliance. We need to get behind our sectors of strength. We haven't really had a durable, long-term, full-throated industrial strategy, in the same way that many of our competitors have over the past few decades."

He said it's not good enough to "stick to our knitting" for just five years of an electoral cycle; we needed strategies that were durable, across governments and that was joined up, was crucial for business growth.

Haldane will be one of the keynote speakers at FT Adviser's flagship annual conference, the Financial Advice Forum, which is taking place on 24 September.

After the event, we will be unveiling the results of the 2024 FT Adviser Top 100 Financial Advisers - along with a glass or two of bubbly.

The full agenda and speakers are available on the website


September 24, 2024 at Leonardo Royal Hotel London City

To find out more and to register, click HERE.