All the winners of the Diversity in Finance Awards 2020 can now been revealed – congratulations to you all!
This year we had a phenomenal response to calls for entries and no doubt 2021’s DIFAs will be even bigger, making the judges’ assessment of each case study even more difficult.
Here are the names and companies of all those who won and those who were highly commended in various categories. You can also watch the full ceremony and panel session here.
You will need to register in order to view the event.
There were some categories, of course, where there were clear winners, so there was no shortlist to argue over, and no highly commended awards to give at the judges’ discretion.
But where there were, the judges were impressed by a variety of work done by both individual and corporate candidates to improve diversity and inclusion. The full table is below:
Also, although they did not win this time, it is appropriate to highlight once again some of the amazing work done by those shortlisted in the Individual Diversity Champion of the Year category.
The judges were impressed with Dennis Owusu-Sem, Ijeoma Okoli and Alison Jefferis’ work in raising corporate awareness of the need for initiatives that celebrate Black culture and highlight the issues faced by Black employees in financial services.
It is worth noting neither Ms Okoli nor Mr Owusu-Sem are members of HR divisions; they are ordinary members of staff who saw a need and set about addressing the issue. The financial services industry needs many more people like them.
Well done, again, to all those who submitted entries, made it onto shortlists and, of course, to our winners.
We look forward to hearing from you next year.