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Ask the expert: As an adviser, what are my exit options?

Overall, in my experience, the availability of options for exit has not usually been the biggest constraint for those needing/wanting to sell – although it may have become more so in the post-Covid period. The constraints tended to be of the would-be seller’s own making.

Being able to end a career by selling a business, made valuable through hard work and sustained, high-quality service, represents a much-deserved outcome for those primarily responsible. However, a happy outcome is more likely when the prevailing mind-set is, seller (as well as buyer) continue to 'beware'.

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Keith Carby has worked in senior executive roles at numerous financial advice businesses, including managing director of Allied Dunbar and one of the three founders of J Rothschild Assurance (renamed St James's Place). He is chairman or founder of seven other retail financial services companies.

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