In Focus: Future Talent  

Succession Wealth: Aviva deal has seen more IFAs approach us

He added: “So actually, I found last year as more of [talking to] people who haven't gone through a process and they aren't just trying to batter prices everywhere - they just want to get the right deal for themselves and that's a much easier way of doing it.”

Morrish told FTAdviser that the firm is continuing to do deals, post-Aviva deal, which shows it has not changed its operations. 

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He explained that Succession Wealth's strategy has not changed and Aviva has not asked the firm to change it either.

"They just said to keep doing more of the same," he said. "So probably the word to underline there is more because they've got capital to deploy so the positive is, we're not capital constrained.

"Someone said shortly after the deal, 'you're never going to be asked are you good for the money again' so that's a nice good place to be. Because Aviva haven't got to generate a quick buck out of what we buy, you're not trying to shoehorn someone into a fairly narrow economic model to prove they were a good business to buy, so we have got a lot more flexibility.

"We're still parameterised around how we look at an opportunity and how we structure a deal that works - whether that's the length of the earn out or opportunities for the people in the business - but we felt a degree of more flexibility." 

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