
Should your client use a tax refund company?

  • Describe how tax refund companies work
  • Explain how they can be problematic
  • Identify why deeds of assignment can be problematic

More widely, we think HMRC should do more to reach out to taxpayers and make it even quicker and easier for taxpayers to claim tax refunds themselves so that they do not feel it necessary to sign up with tax refund companies in the first place. 

What can I do if I think there is a deed of assignment on my record? 

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We have recently published some information to try and help people understand what to do in this situation.

If I want to use a tax refund company, what should I look out for? 

  • Ensure you are clear about what you are signing up to. Be particularly wary of being targeted on social media when your guard may be down. 
  • Be on the lookout for wording in application forms/terms and conditions such as ‘I unconditionally assign my repayment of tax (for tax years ending 2017-18, 2018-19, 2019-20 and 2020-21) to [tax refund company]'.  
  • Check for signs they are reputable: accessible terms and conditions, a 'contact us' address and telephone number, a Companies House number on the website etc. 
  • Check for online reviews: consumer forums on Trustpilot or Google My Business.
  • Check if the proprietor is a member of a professional body. They should work to high ethical and professional standards, but if they do not you can make a complaint to the professional body.

Meredith McCammond is technical officer at the Low Incomes Tax Reform Group


Please answer the six multiple choice questions below in order to bank your CPD. Multiple attempts are available until all questions are correctly answered.

  1. It is essential to use a tax refund company to get a tax refund from HMRC, true or false?

  2. Which of the following is NOT a target group for a tax refund company?

  3. What are some of the highest charges the author has seen for tax claims?

  4. Why can tax refund companies be problematic?

  5. Which of the following is NOT regular complaint about a tax refund company?

  6. Why are deeds of assignment problematic?

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  • Describe how tax refund companies work
  • Explain how they can be problematic
  • Identify why deeds of assignment can be problematic

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