Better Business  

‘Being dynamic to the ever changing advice landscape is essential’

But from a financial adviser perspective, he said he would recommend How to Own the World by Andrew Craig.

And finally, the one thing you can’t live without as an adviser?

“Pen and paper,” he said. “I'm such a techie and I'm such a nerd. I'd love to be in a dark room with my laptop, I like writing and Excel formulas and all that. 

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“But when it comes to clients, a pen and a piece of paper, you just can't beat it.”

He explained that he remembers going to a client meeting once and it was so complex, they had many different plans and he got an A3 sheet of paper, and drew all the plans out as boxes on one side.

“I was like this is your situation right now,” he said. “And then I flipped it over and on the back of it, I had this much simplified model of how it could look.

“They said ‘I want that’ so just illustrating things for clients and drawing it out and showing them how it can work to join the arrows goes a long way.

“You can have all the tech in the world but a pen and a piece of paper and drawing is priceless.”

If you own your own advice firm and would like to get involved with the Coffee Corner interview series, contact deputy news editor Sonia Rach via email at